- xgen, an explanation generator for ProbLog programs
- CauDEr, a causal-consistent reversible debugger for Erlang
- rever, a reversible debugger for Prolog (ongoing)
- SWIPrologZ3, a simple SWI Prolog API to Microsoft's SMT solver Z3 (ongoing)
- contest, a tool for concolic testing in (pure) Prolog
- tcgen, a tool for test case generation in Prolog based on the construction of finite (closed) SLD trees
- erlang2trs, a tool for transforming Erlang programs into term rewrite systems so that existing techniques and tools
for the verification of rewrite systems can be used
- SETT, a symbolic execution-based
termination tool for simple imperative programs
- PPEval, a paralellizing
lightweight partial evaluator that is able to extract parallelism from
sequential logic programs
- CPD lite, a lightweight
approach to conjunctive partial evaluation of logic programs, combining
online and offline styles
- TNT, a termination
prover for narrowing
- improved web interface
for proff (v1.2, Sep 2007), a Prolog offline partial evaluator
- PEPE, a tool for
predicting the effects of partial evaluation
You can also check the MiST repository.