The R+D Group MiST (MultI-paradigm Software Technology)

Project MERINET (Rigorous Methods for the Future Internet)

January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2019 (3 years)


The MERINET project has the goal of producing new (more competitive) techniques, methods, and tools for the software analisys and development, with special emphasis in web systems and programming languages. MERINET will contribute to the Spanish industry development with (1) new research advances on software validation based on sound and rigorous techniques, and (2) new systems and tools that implement the proposed techniques to solve the current challenges of the software industry.

MERINET will focus on many different languages and formalisms, but it will focus specially on:

The main areas of research in this R+D project are:

Besides a number of scientific publications that will help us to disseminate our main achievements, we also plan to develop methods and software tools useful to improve the quality and productivity of the software development process. Therefore, the deliverables of this project will allow us to increase the international visibility of the Spanish research and will also allow the Spanish software development industry to improve its competitiveness by using the most advanced techniques for software validation.


Software, automated validation, formal verification, static analysis, debugging, test case generation, fuzzy systems, information retrieval, programming languages.

Coordinated project

Members of the research group (UPV subproposal)

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Last update 01/01/2017 Josep Silva